Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mouri Kogoro Voice Actor and Black Organization Update

Greetings everyone!

Sorry for the long silence, life has just gotten in the way, and I have not been able to update this blog for a long time.

The other day my wife and I were watching some newer episodes of Detective Conan, and I still can not get used to the new voice of Mouri Kogoro. Some day lets hope so.

Here is just a small tribute to a signature piece of Mori Kogoro.

In other news, I was watching a few Japanese TV shows, and stumbled upon this!

For those of you who do not speak Japanese, what this is basically saying, is the person referred to as "Ano Kata" AKA the boss of the Black Organization has already appeared in Detective Conan. They are speculating that it might possibly be Professor Agasa. Before I used to think that Agasa referred to a famous mystery novelist named Agatha Christie, but this TV show says that Asasa is also a type of alcoholic beverage, which is a trademark of the Black Organization.

How mind blowing would it be if this is true?!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Detective Conan Merchandise!

Well I was surfing around the internet looking for some cool Detective Conan stuff and found a really cool site. The site is called Go doon, and has a ton of Anime stuff for sale.
Check out this cool find!
Take a look at the different Detective Conan merchandise available here Detective Conan Merchandise!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Voice of Pikachu on Detective Conan?!

Hey all, I have recently been looking into the voice actors of Detective Conan and found out something pretty interesting.
Did you know that the voice actor for Mitsuhiko,Ikue Ohtani, also does the voice for Pikachu in the famous anime Pokemon?
This is Ikue Ohtani appearing on Sanma's talk show.

Don't forget that you can watch Detective Conan Episodes online. Just click this site: Detective Conan Episodes Online

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Favorite Detective Conan Ending

Well there are at least 17 seasons of Detective Conan endings. I would have to say that out of all of the endings this is probably my favorite ending.
This is a song by Kuraki Mai 倉木麻衣

Other songs Detective Conan Songs that Kuraki Mai sings are:\ 

Detective Conan Opening Theme Songs
Detective Conan Closing Themes
Movie Themes

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mouri Kogoro's Voice change!?

Well fans of Detective Conan were probably surprised when after the Detective Conan episode 554 aired that Mouri Kogoro's voice had changed.
No it wasn't puberty, Kamiya Akira was dismissed from the show. Kamiya did not release the reasons why, but admitted that it was mainly he who was to blame.

Kamiya Akira was replaced with the voice actor Rikiya Koyama. It takes some time to get used to the voice, but Koyama will soon grow on us all!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Detective Conan Episodes 41-50 Added

Hey Everyone!
Just added Detective Conan Episodes 41-50 for your enjoyment. The new site is off to a great start with new people joining in and watching every day!
To join in the fun CLICK HERE!

P.S. Don't forget to cast your vote on your favorite Detective Conan Movie on the Detective Conan Poll

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What does everyone else think?

Find out what everyone else thinks about various Detective Conan Subjects. Each week on the Detective Conan website we will be adding a new poll to find out what you think about various topics of Detective Conan. Join in, and see the results!

What do you think?    Click here to join the polling

What Has America Done?

Alright guys, so while I was updating the Detective Conan site I stumbled upon this. This is the whole reason why I hate Japanese movies, and TV shows being dubbed. The voice for Kudo is way lame, and they even changed Shinichi's name to Jimmy......What is that?!
Not a fan of the American dubbed Detective Conan.....
I would like to hear your opinions on this, please leave comments below.

If you want to hear the difference click back to this posting

Detective Conan Episode 2 Japanese

Monday, April 18, 2011

Detective Conan Episodes 21-30 Now on New Site!

Detective Conan Episodes 21-30 Now Loaded!
Just thought that I would let everyone know that I have now uploaded new Detective Conan episodes onto our new website.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

New place to watch episodes!

Hey Everyone!
I have created a new website that will allow the episodes to be more organized and easier for you to find. This site will allow for more content like pictures, movies, surveys and more to be added, so I hope this will make it much more enjoyable for you all.
To access the site click on the link below to join the fun.
I will continue to update this blog with fun facts, and interesting information about Detective Conan so continue to check this blog.

See Detective Conan Episodes here: Watch Episodes on the Detective Conan site here!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Detective Conan Episode 20

Detective Conan Episode 20
The Haunted Mansion Murder Case
This is the place to watch Detective Conan Episode 20 online, and all other Detective Conan Episodes. A Japanese cartoon (Japanese anime) was originally titled meitantei conan has been going on since 1994, and now has over 600 episodes.

Detective Conan Episode 19

Detective Conan Episode 19
The Case of the Elevator Murder

This is the place to watch Detective Conan Episode 19 online, and all other Detective Conan Episodes. A Japanese cartoon (Japanese anime) was originally titled meitantei conan has been going on since 1994, and now has over 600 episodes.

Detective Conan Episode 18

Detective Conan Episode 18
The June Bride Murder Case

Detective Conan Episode 17

Detective Conan Episode 17
The Department Store High-Jacking Case

This is the place to watch Detective Conan Episode 17 online, and all other Detective Conan Episodes. A Japanese cartoon (Japanese anime) was originally titled meitantei conan has been going on since 1994, and now has over 600 episodes.

Detective Conan Episode 16

Detective Conan Episode 16
The Antique Collector Murder Case
This is the place to watch Detective Conan Episode 16 online, and all other Detective Conan Episodes. A Japanese cartoon (Japanese anime) was originally titled meitantei conan has been going on since 1994, and now has over 600 episodes.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

2 Days Until Detective Conan Movie 15!

Detective Conan Movie 15
Quarter of Silence
Detective Conan movie 15 will finally be released in two day!!!
I cannot wait until it is loaded online. This movie looks absolutely amazing!!
Hope you enjoy the trailer. As soon as it is loaded online I will be embedding it into this blog.

Detective Conan Episode 15

Detective Conan Episode 15
(The Case of the Disappearing Corpse Murder)
This is the place to watch Detective Conan Episode 15 online, and all other Detective Conan Episodes. A Japanese cartoon (Japanese anime) was originally titled meitantei conan has been going on since 1994, and now has over 600 episodes.

Detective Conan Episode 14

Detective Conan Episode 14
(The Mysterious Message Sniper Case)
This is the place to watch Detective Conan Episode 14 online, and all other Detective Conan Episodes. A Japanese cartoon (Japanese anime) was originally titled meitantei conan has been going on since 1994, and now has over 600 episodes.

Detective Conan Episode 13

Detective Conan Episode 13
(The Strange Case of the Person-Finding Murder)
This is the place to watch Detective Conan Episode 13 online, and all other Detective Conan Episodes. A Japanese cartoon (Japanese anime) was originally titled meitantei conan has been going on since 1994, and now has over 600 episodes.

Detective Conan Episode 12

Detective Conan Episode 12
(The Case of Ayumi's Kidnapping)
This is the place to watch Detective Conan Episode 12 online, and all other Detective Conan Episodes. A Japanese cartoon (Japanese anime) was originally titled meitantei conan has been going on since 1994, and now has over 600 episodes.

Detective Conan Episode 11

Detective Conan Episode 11
(The Case of the Moonlight Sonata Murders)
This is the place to watch Detective Conan Episode 11 online, and all other Detective Conan Episodes. A Japanese cartoon (Japanese anime) was originally titled meitantei conan has been going on since 1994, and now has over 600 episodes.

Detective Conan Episode 10

Detective Conan Episode 10
(The Case of the Blackmailing of a Pro Soccer Player)

Detective Conan Episode 9

Detective Conan Episode 9
(Tenkaichi Festival Murder Case)

Detective Conan Episode 8

Detective Conan Episode8
(The Murder of the Art Gallery Owner)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Detective Conan Episode 7

Detective Conan Episode 7
(The Incedent of the Monthly Presents and Threat)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Detective Conan Episode 6

Detective Conan Episode 6
(The Valentine's Murder Case)

Detective Conan Episode 5

Detective Conan Episode 5
(The Bullet Train Bombing Case)

Detective Conan Episode 4

Detective Conan Episode 4
(The City Coded Map Case)

Detective Conan Episode 3

Detective Conan Episode 3
(Idol's Sealed Room Murder Case)

Synopsis of Previous Episode:
After realizing he was shrunk to a first grader, Shinichi went to find help, and we were introduced to Professor Agase, Shinichi's eccentric next door neighbor. In order to find a way to return Shinichi back to his normal self again Agase tells Shinichi that he needs to find the black clothed men and get a sample of the poison given to him.
While discussing what Shinichi is to do, Ran come in and finds shrunked Shinichi. As to not reveal to Ran who he is, Shinichi quickly thinks of a name for himself, and Edogawa Conan is born!
Agase asks if Ran can keep Conan at her house, and so Ran takes Conan home. Her father, a detective, rushes out to a case, and Conan and Ran are taken along.
While with them Shinichi solves his very first case as Conan.

Hope you enjoy Episode 3!

"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu!!!"

Detective Conan Episode 2

Detective Conan Episode 2
Shachou Rejou Yukai Jiken! (The Company President's Daughter Kidnapping Case)

Alright it is time for episode two. Last episode Ran and Shinichi went to a theme park. While there Shinichi used his superb deductive skills, and solved a murder that happened on a roller coaster. Afterward Shinichi noticed some suspicious dealings taking place and took off to investigate. Not noticing a partner of the man dressed in black sneaking up behind, and was knocked out. The black clothed person gave Shinichi a new poison to Shinichi which caused him to shrink into a 1st grader.

Time to move onto the second episode! Enjoy!
"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu!!!"

Monday, April 11, 2011

Aoyama Gosho and Takayama Minami

Alright so I just found out something interesting. I was reading up on Aoyama Gosho for a future blog post about the mastermind behind Detect Conan and I found out that he was married to Takayama Minami for a while!
Ok so some of you are thinking, "Who cares?" or possibly "Who is Takayama Minami" Well Takayama Minami is the voice of Conan! It is kind of crazy to think that they were both married at one time.
Well just thought that you all might want to know the crazy information that I just found out today.

Have a good night!

"Shinjitsu wa itsumo hitotsu!!!"

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Detective Conan Episode 1

Well everyone! Let the fun begin! The great thing about this series is that just about every episode is a brand new case, and so you can really skip around this series, and pretty much still understand exactly what is going on. If you are brand new to this show I would recommend first starting out with Episode 1 (like I really need to say that).
Episode 1 is the birth of Edogawa Conan, the beginning of the 600+, 14 movies, and numerous TV specials.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

And So It Begins.....

For a while now I have been thinking that I wanted to start a blog, but wasn't sure what to blog about. Then it struck me. My wife and I have been watching Detective Conan just about every day since we got married. So here it is the beginning of my blog about Detective Conan. My hopes is to watch one episode every week, and get others to follow along and comment on the episodes.
I know that this is starting out very barbaric, but please bare with me while I get the hang of things here.

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